Northern Voices provides the highest dosage of listening and spoken language early intervention in the state of Minnesota for children with hearing loss. Children with cochlear implants benefit significantly from early and intensive intervention.
In our 25-year history, testing data on students moving from Northern Voices to kindergarten settings of parent choice consistently shows Northern Voices students performing comparable to hearing peers (i.e. in the average range) on standardized testing instruments measuring overall language skills, receptive vocabulary, and expressive vocabulary.
A recent Northern Voices alumni survey showed respondents reporting a 100% high school graduation rate.

*Data reflects students who attended full-time (5 days per week) over an average of 3.5 years and is compiled from student data in the 2022-23 and 2023-24 school years.
*CELF-P2 -Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals -Core Composite Score. The average range is 90-109.
EOWPVT -Expressive One-Word Picture Vocabulary Test. The average range is 85-115.
PPVT-IV -Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-IV. The average range is 85-115.